溫哥華西區South Granville 豪宅區。近9000英尺大地,安靜內街黃金角位!罕有73尺面寬,西南向陽光私家後院。量身定制歐式經典豪宅,格局大氣實用,保養極佳,7房7衛,全屋實用面積5,000英尺。雙層挑高玄關,大尺寸天窗及玻璃牆帶來極好的采光。 寬大廚房配有頂級電器。主層配有豪華套房,衛浴齊全。樓上4個大尺寸睡房。樓下帶有影音室,娛樂室。兩間獨立臥室互不干擾。南向後院專人打理,寬敞雙車位庫配加熱車道,無懼冬日霜雪。周圍公校私校環繞,邱吉爾名校學區。大地豪宅,經典優雅,不容錯失!
Ideally situated on a near 9,000 sf. a corner lot with a SW sunny backyard on a quiet street, this custom-built classic home in the prestigious South Granville area, features an excellent floor plan including 4 large bedrooms upstairs and 2 bedrooms downstairs, and a luxury bedroom on the main floor with ensuite bathroom. A double-height foyer and spacious living area with oversized windows bringing natural light inside. The gourmet kitchen is equipped with high-end appliances, custom cabinetry, and granite countertops. Radiant heating system for the entire house. Attached double garage with heated driveway, ensuring no worries in the winter. Media room downstairs as well. Good school catchments: William Osler Elementary and Winston Churchill Secondary. A Must See!