坐落於溫西尊貴的Dunbar社區的寧靜林蔭街道上,這座精致的高品質私人訂制豪宅,坐擁6390英尺轉角大地,近4300尺的室內生活空間。全屋地熱,新風,空調,優質實木地板,花崗石枱面,以及熠熠生輝的水晶吊燈,環繞立體音響系統讓每個房間充滿浪漫音符。主層設有書房、化妝間,及開放式客廳和餐廳。中西廚配備高端不鏽鋼電器,與溫馨而富有設計感的家庭廳相連。大玻璃門外的寬敞陽台,聯接南向陽光花院,是朋友及家人聚會的理想場所。樓上四房四衛,朝南主臥讓陽光流淌,步入式衣帽間及水療般奢華的浴室,獨特的手繪藍天白雲天花板更添室內藝術氣息。地下室設施齊全,影音室、酒吧區、桑拿房、健身間一應俱全。獨立出入的兩房一衛可作出租單位。入讀名校:Lord Kitchener 小學 和 Lord Byng 中學,頂級私校 St. George’s 和 Crofton House近在咫尺。開車數分鐘可達商業街區及Dunbar 社區中心,優越的地理位置,豐富的教育資源,高品質的建築風格,讓這座私人別墅成為安家置業的絕佳選擇。好區好房,不容錯失!
Nestled on a quiet tree lined street in Vancouver´s sought-after Dunbar neighborhood, this exquisite custom-built corner property has 4,291 sqft living space. Main floor features an office, a powder room, and an open-concept living and dining area. Gourmet kitchen is complemented by wok kitchen and flows into a cozy family room, with double French doors opening to a generous balcony. Four bedrooms and four bathrooms upstairs. South-facing master bedroom offers a walk-in closet, a spa-inspired bathroom and unique hand-painted sky ceilings. Basement includes media room, wet bar, sauna, gym and a two-bedroom rental suite with separate entry. Top school catchment: Lord Kitchener Elementary and Lord Byng Secondary. Close to St. George´s & Crofton House.